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Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida
Richard Nixon
Statement Submitted to Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions: "Vietnam"
Statement Submitted to Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions: "Problems of the Cities"
Statement Submitted to Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions: "The Threat to the American Economy"
Statement Submitted to Republican National Convention Committee on Resolutions: "The Crusade Against Crime"
Remarks in New York City: "A New Direction for America's Economy"
Remarks on the CBS Radio Network: "Toward an Expanded Democracy"
Remarks on the CBS Radio Network: "A New Alignment for American Unity"
Remarks in New York City: "Toward Freedom From Fear"
Remarks on the NBC Radio Network: "Bridges to Human Dignity, The Programs"
Remarks Declaring Candidacy for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Hubert H. Humphrey
Remarks on the CBS Radio Network: "Bridges to Human Dignity, The Concept"
Remarks on the NBC Radio Network: "Learning to Share Responsibility"
Remarks on the NBC Radio Network: "A Commitment to Order"
Preface to 1968 edition of Six Crises: "Lessons of Crisis"
Radio and Television Remarks to the American People at the Close of Election Day
Lyndon B. Johnson
News Conference Conceding the Presidential Election in Scottsdale, Arizona
Barry Goldwater
Address on Behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater: "A Time for Choosing"
Ronald Reagan
Remarks Before the National Convention Upon Accepting the Nomination
Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in San Francisco