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Joint Statement by President Barack Obama and President Dmitry A. Medvedev of Russia on the Expiration of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
Barack Obama
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Protocol Amending the France-United States Taxation Convention
Joint Understanding by President Barack H. Obama and President Dmitry A. Medvedev on the START Follow-on Treaty
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Protocol Amending the New Zealand-United States Taxation Convention
Message to the Senate Transmitting an Annex to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for the Strategic Framework Agreement and the Status of Forces Agreement and an Exchange With Reporters in Baghdad
George W. Bush
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Rwanda-United States Treaty Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment
Remarks at a Signing Ceremony for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Accession Protocols for Albania and Croatia
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Report and Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance