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Statement on Senate Confirmation of Maria del Carmen Aponte as the United States Ambassador to El Salvador
Barack Obama
Statement on Senate Confirmation of John E. Bryson as Secretary of Commerce
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Jacob J. "Jack" Lew as Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Remarks on Senate Confirmation of Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court Associate Justice in Chicago
Statement on Senate Confirmation of General David H. Petraeus as Commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Ben S. Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Remarks on Senate Confirmation of Sonia M. Sotomayor as a Supreme Court Associate Justice and an Exchange With Reporters
Statement on Senate Confirmation of James Jeffrey as United States Ambassador to Turkey
George W. Bush
Statement on Senate Confirmation of General David D. McKiernan as Commander of United States Armed Forces in Afghanistan
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Judges for the United States Courts of Appeals and District Courts