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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 190—Revocation of Exequatur of Joaquin de Palma, Vice-Consul of Portugal at Savannah, Georgia
Ulysses S. Grant
Proclamation 188—Certifying Foreign Compliance with Treaty Provisions for Consular Jurisdiction Over Crews of Marine Vessels
Proclamation 187—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on French Vessels
Proclamation 186—Thanksgiving Day, 1869
Proclamation 185—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Texas to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 184—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Mississippi to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 183—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on French Vessels
Proclamation 182—Eight Hour Work Day for Employees of the Government of the United States
Proclamation 181—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Virginia to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 180—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 179—Granting Full Pardon and Amnesty for the Offense of Treason Against the United States During the Late Civil War
Andrew Johnson
Proclamation 178—Thanksgiving Day, 1868
Proclamation 176—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of Georgia
Proclamation 173—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of South Carolina
Proclamation 172—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of Louisiana
Proclamation 171—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina
Proclamation 170—Granting Pardon to All Persons Participating in the Late Rebellion Except Those Under Indictment for Treason or Other Felony
Proclamation 169—Thanksgiving Day, 1867
Proclamation 168—Correction to Proclamation of August 28, 1866
Proclamation 167—Offering and Extending Full Pardon to All Persons Participating in the Late Rebellion