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Proclamation 95—Regarding the Status of Slaves in States Engaged in Rebellion Against the United States [Emancipation Proclamation]
Abraham Lincoln
Proclamation 94—Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus
Proclamation 93—Declaring the Objectives of the War Including Emancipation of Slaves in Rebellious States on January 1, 1863
Proclamation 92—Warning to Rebel Sympathizers
Proclamation 91—Concerning the Collection of Taxes in Rebellious States
Proclamation 90—Revoking Major General David Hunter's Order of Military Emancipation
Proclamation 89—Termination of Blockade of Beaufort, North Carolina, Port Royal, South Carolina, and New Orleans, Louisiana
Proclamation 88—Day of Public Thanksgiving for Victories During the Civil War
Proclamation 87—Celebration of George Washington's Birthday
Proclamation 86—Prohibiting Commercial Trade with States in Rebellion