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Nomination of Carl E. Mundy, Jr., To Be Commandant of the United States Marine Corps
George Bush
Nomination of Mary Ann Casey To Be United States Ambassador to Algeria
Nomination of Mike Hayden To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Nomination of William Harrison Courtney To Be United States Commissioner for the Bilateral Consultative Commission and the Joint Consultative Commission
Nomination of Constance Bastine Harriman To Be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States
Nomination of Gordon R. Sullivan To be Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Nomination of Charles R. Bowers To Be United States Ambassador to Bolivia
Nomination of Preston Moore To Be Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Commerce
Nomination of John E. Bennett To Be United States Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea
Nomination of John Schrote To Be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior