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Toasts of the President and Former Chancellor Erhard of Germany
Lyndon B. Johnson
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the King of Thailand.
Toasts of the President and the King of Thailand
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the King and Queen of Thailand
The President's Toast at a Luncheon Honoring Visiting Danish, Italian, and British Leaders
Toasts of the President and of President Banda of the Republic of Malawi
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Wilson of the United Kingdom
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Holt of Australia
Toasts of the President and Prune Minister Holt of Australia
Press Briefing in Montreal With Prime Minister Pearson of Canada
Press Briefing With the Governors Following the New England Governors Conference.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Vice President Yen of the Republic of China.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Vice President Yen of the Republic of China
Toasts of the President and Vice President Yen
Exchange of Remarks With Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger Following Discussions in Bonn.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Sunay of Turkey.
Toasts of the President and President Sunay of Turkey
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Sunay of Turkey
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Maiwandwal
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Afghanistan.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Maiwandwal of Afghanistan
The President's News Conference in Guam Following the Conference
Joint Statement Following the Meeting in Guam With Chairman Thieu and Prime Minister Ky.
Toasts of the President and Chairman Thieu at a Dinner in Guam
Remarks of Welcome to Chairman Thieu and Prime Minister Ky Upon Their Arrival in Guam
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Chung
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Chung of Korea.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Chung of Korea
Toasts of the President and the Emperor of Ethiopia
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to King Hassan II of Morocco
Toasts of the President and King Hassan II of Morocco
Toasts of the President and President-elect Costa e Silva of Brazil
Joint Statement With the President of Mexico Following the Inspection of the Amistad Dam.
The President's News Conference
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Park of Korea.
Manila Summit Conference Documents.
Remarks of Welcome in the East Room to President Senghor of Senegal
Toasts of the President and President Senghor of Senegal
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Erhard of Germany.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Erhard of Germany
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Marcos of the Philippines.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Marcos of the Philippines
Toasts of the President and President Marcos of the Philippines
Joint Statement Following Discussions With General Ne Win of Burma.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to General Ne Win, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of the Union of Burma
Remarks by Telephone With President Leoni of Venezuela Inaugurating a Submarine Cable Linking the Two Countries.
Toasts of the President and President Zalman Shazar of Israel
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Wilson of Great Britain
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Burnham of Guyana
Remarks of Welcome to Prime Minister Burnham of Guyana on the South Lawn at the White House
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Holt of Australia
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Holt of Australia.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Holt
Remarks of Welcome to Prime Minister Holt of Australia on the South Lawn at the White House
Joint Statement Following Discussions With King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
Remarks of Welcome to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia on the South Lawn at the White House
Toasts of the President and King Faisal
Remarks of Welcome to President Schick of Nicaragua on the South Lawn at the White House
The President's Telephone Greetings on the 82d Birthday of Harry S. Truman.