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Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea
George W. Bush
Remarks Following Discussions With President Andres Pastrana of Colombia and an Exchange With Reporters
The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom at Camp David
Joint Statement With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom
Exchange With Reporters Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom at Camp David, Maryland
The President's News Conference With President Vicente Fox of Mexico in San Cristobal, Mexico
Joint Statement by President George Bush and President Vicente Fox Towards a Partnership for Prosperity: the Guanajuato Proposal
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada and an Exchange With Reporters
Statement of the United States and the European Union on Building Consumer Confidence in E-Commerce and the Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution
William J. Clinton
Statement of the United States and the European Union on Communicable Diseases in Africa