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Fact Sheet: The President's Management Agenda: Making Government More Effective
George W. Bush
Fact Sheet: Economic Strength and Spending Restraint Drive Down Budget Deficit
Fact Sheet: School Safety Resources for Parents, Schools, Law Enforcement Officials, and Communities
Fact Sheet: Conference on School Safety
Setting the Record Straight: Bob Woodward On "Meet The Press"
Fact Sheet: Job Creation Continues - More Than 6.6 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003
Fact Sheet: The No Child Left Behind Act: Challenging Students Through High Expectations
Setting the Record Straight: Bob Woodward
Myth/Fact: Five Key Myths in Bob Woodward's Book
Fact Sheet: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strong Allies in the War on Terror
Fact Sheet: Achieving Greater Transparency and Accountability in Government
Fact Sheet: Address to the UN General Assembly: A More Hopeful World Beyond Terror and Extremism
Fact Sheet: Now and Then: Editorials on the McCain Amendment
Setting the Record Straight: JAG Leaders Say Common Article 3 Provisions Would Be "Helpful"
Myth/Fact: Clarifying Common Article 3
Fact Sheet: The Fifth Anniversary of September 11, 2001
Fact Sheet: Progress Report: Fixing the Problems Exposed by the 9/11 Attacks
Setting the Record Straight: Detainees Will Not Receive POW Status
Fact Sheet: Bringing Terrorists to Justice
Myth/Fact: The Administration's Legislation to Create Military Commissions