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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 6026—Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Sterling L. Morelock
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 6025—Public Water Reserve No. 149, Montana and Wyoming
Executive Order 6024—Reinstatement of Edward N. Dingley, Jr.
Executive Order 6023—Air-Space Reservation, District of Columbia
Executive Order 6022—Exemption of Ernest F. Moessner from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6022-A—Classification of Mr. Harry A. McBride
Executive Order 6021—Sick Leave Regulations
Executive Order 6020—Reinstatement of Richard H. Knight
Executive Order 6018—Vesting Certain Power in the Alien Property Custodian
Executive Order 6017—Amendments to the Consular Regulations