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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 6044—Withdrawal of Lands to Protect Fishing Rights of Alaska Natives
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 6043—Amendment of Civil Service Rule IX
Executive Order 6042—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Grace F. Smythe
Executive Order 6041—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Adelle B. Freeman
Executive Order 6039—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands in Alaska and Reservation of a Part for the War Department and Alaska Game Commission
Executive Order 6038—Authorizing the Appointment of Laurence Gouverneur Hoes
Executive Order 6040—Public Water Reserve No. 150, Oregon
Executive Order 6035—Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Kenneth C. Macpherson
Executive Order 6032—Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Isaac Gregg
Executive Order 6034—Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Joseph A. Kinnahan