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The President's Remarks to the Press Upon Announcing His Intention To Nominate Ramsey Clark as Attorney General
Lyndon B. Johnson
The President's Meeting With the Press on His Departure From the Hospital
Remarks at a Press Briefing Following the Return From Vietnam of Secretary McNamara and Under Secretary Katzenbach
Remarks at a News Briefing Held in Connection With the Message on Food for India
Meeting With White House Correspondents in the Office of the Press Secretary
Remarks to Members of the Press at the LBJ Ranch
Remarks to the Press on Announcing the Nomination of James J. Wadsworth, Jr., to the Federal Communications Commission
Remarks to the Press Upon Announcing the Nomination of Henry H. Fowler as Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks to the Press Following a Cabinet Meeting on Management of the Executive Branch
Remarks to the Members of the International Labor Press Association