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Cuban Refugees Remarks to Reporters Announcing Administration Policy Toward the Refugees
Jimmy Carter
Secretary of State Muskie's Trip to Vienna Exchange With Reporters on the Secretary's Departure.
San Antonio, Texas Remarks and an Informal Exchange With Reporters Alter Visiting the Five Men Injured During the Rescue Attempt for American Hostages in Iran.
Remarks to Reporters on American Hostages in Iran
Windfall Profits Tax Legislation Remarks by Telephone With the Senate Majority Leader and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee on Senate Approval of the Legislation.
New Hampshire Democratic Party Primary Informal Exchange With Reporters.
Remarks to Reporters on American Hostages in Iran and Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan
International Economic Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing Intention To Seek United Nations Action.
Boston, Massachusetts Question-and-Answer Session With Newspaper and Television Reporters.
San Diego, California Exchange With Reporters on Departure From Lindbergh Field.