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Presidential Determination No. 92 - 49 -- Memorandum on Disaster Assistance for Pakistan
George Bush
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 47 -- Memorandum on Action in Support of Peacekeeping Operations in Nagorno-Karabakh
Memorandum on Export-Import Bank Support for United States Exports to Romania
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 45 -- Memorandum on Extension of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 42 -- Memorandum on Assistance for Refugees of the Former Yugoslavia
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 43 -- Memorandum on Assistance for Refugees in Africa
Presidential Determination No. 92-44 -- Memorandum on Arms Exports to the Organization of African Unity
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 41 -- Memorandum on Resumption of Foreign Air Cargo Service to Lebanon
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 39 -- Memorandum on Assistance for Angolan Refugees
Presidential Determination No. 92 - 40 -- Memorandum on Export-Import Bank Services for Albania