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Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea
Ronald Reagan
Letter to Mrs. Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., on the Death of Her Husband
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of President Yuriy V. Andropov of the Soviet Union
Statement on the Assassination of Malcolm Kerr, President of the American University of Beirut
Statement on the Death of Representative Clement J. Zablocki
Remarks to Reporters on the Death of American and French Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of American and French Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement on the Death of Terence Cardinal Cooke
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of Two United States Marines in Lebanon
Statement on the Death of Frank Reynolds of ABC News
Statement on the Death of Herman Kahn
Statement on the Death of Jack Dempsey
Statement on the Death of Joseph R. Holmes
Radio Address to the Nation on the Death of Federal Diplomatic and Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of Federal Diplomatic and Military Personnel in Beirut, Lebanon
Statement on the Death of Arthur Godfrey
Statement on the Death of Three Secret Service Agents in California
Statement on the Death of Paul "Bear" Bryant
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of President Leonid I. Brezhnev of the Soviet Union
Statement on the Death of Bess Truman
Statement on the Death of David Dubinsky, Former President of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Statement on the Death of Princess Grace of Monaco
Statement on the Assassination of President-elect Bashir Gemayel of Lebanon
Statement on the Death of King Khalid of Saudi Arabia
Statement on the Death of Representative John M. Ashbrook of Ohio
Statement on the Assassination of Turkish Consul General Kemal Arikan
Statement on the Death of Thomas Corcoran
Statement on the Death of Moshe Dayan of Israel
Remarks Announcing the Death of President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt
Statement on the Death of Former President Romulo Betancourt of Venezuela
Statement on the Death of Roy Wilkins
Statement on the Death of Ray Bliss
Message to Acting President Abdus Sattar of Bangladesh on the' Death of President Ziaur Rahman
Message to Vice President Oswaldo Hurtado Larrea of Ecuador on the Death of the Ecuadorean President and Minister of Defense
Statement on the Death of Frank Fitzsimmons, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Statement on the Death of Former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis
Statement on the Death of General Omar N. Bradley
Statement on the Death of Former Governor Ella T. Grasso of Connecticut
Statement on the Death of John Lennon
Jimmy Carter
Statement on the Death of John Pennington
Statement on the Death of Former Speaker of the House of Representatives John William McCormack
Statement on the Death of Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira of Japan
Statement on the Death of the President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito
Statement on the Death of Former Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Munoz Marin
Statement on the Death of Jesse Owens
Statement on the Death of the Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Arnulfo Romero
Statement on the Death of Arthur M. Okun
Statement on the Death of Representative John M. Slack
Statement on the Death of Former U.S. Representative Allard K. Lowenstein
Statement on the Death of Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Statement on the Death of Former Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas
Statement on the Death of the Former President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations George Meany
Statement on the Death of Steven J. Crowley
Statement on the Death of Mamie Eisenhower
Statement on the Death of S. J. Perelman
Statement on the Death of Samuel I. Newhouse
Statement on the Death of Lord Louis Mountbatten
Statement on the Death of Jacob Potofsky
Statement on the Death of Arthur Fiedler
Statement on the Death of ABC News Correspondent Bill Stewart