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Statement by the Press Secretary on H.J. Res. 124, S. 231
Barack Obama
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 606, H.R. 1671, H.R. 2291, H.R. 3212, H.R. 3472, H.R. 3548, H.R. 3765, H.R. 4028, H.R. 4360, H.R. 4386, H.R. 4631, H.R. 4838, H.R. 5021, H.R. 5195, S. 653, S. 1104, S. 1799
Remarks on Signing the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 3230
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.J.Res. 76
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.J. Res. 76
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 1528, S. 517
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 255, H.R. 272, H.R. 291, H.R.330, H.R.356, H.R. 507, H.R. 697, H.R 876, H.R. 1158, H.R. 1216, H.R. 1376, H.R. 1813, H.R. 2337, H.R. 3110
Remarks on Signing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 803
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 2388
Statement by the Press Secretary on S. 1681
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 316, S. 1044, S. 1254, S. 2086
Remarks on Signing the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 and Legislation To Award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 65th Infantry Regiment
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 1726, H.R. 3080
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 724, H.R. 1036, H.R. 1228, H.R. 1451, H.R. 2391, H.R. 2939, H.R. 3060, H.R. 3658, H.R. 4032, H.R. 4488, S. 611
Statement by the Press Secretary on S. 309
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 862
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 685 and H.R. 1209
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 3627