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Statement by the President Following the Signing of Bill Implementing U.S.-Canadian Agreement on Automotive Products.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Service Contract Act of 1965.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the National Vocational Student Loan Insurance Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Grants for Medical Library Services and Facilities.
Remarks at the Signing of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriation Act.
Remarks in the Hospital at the Signing of the Clean Air Act Amendments and Solid Waste Disposal Bill
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to Concession Rights in National Parks.
Remarks at the Signing of the Water and Sanitation Systems in Rural Areas Bill