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Press Release: Bills Signed: H.R. 2992, H.R. 5313, H.R. 6943, and S. 3451
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks on Signing the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022
Press Release: Bills Signed: S. 3373
Remarks on Signing Legislation To Promote United States Semiconductor Production, Technological Innovation, and Advanced Manufacturing
Press Release: Bills Signed: H.R. 4346
Remarks on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on the Employment Situation in July and Signing Anti-Fraud Legislation and an Exchange With Reporters
Press Release: Bills Signed: H.R. 7334 and H.R. 7352
Press Release: Bills Signed: H.R. 1057, H.R. 1842, and H.R. 3359
Press Release: Bill Signed: S. 144
Press Release: Bill Signing: H.R. 8351