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Appointment of Timothy J. McBride as Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Assistant to the White House Chief of Staff
George Bush
Appointment of J. French Hill as Special Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary to the Economic Policy Council
Appointment of Constance Horner as Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel
Appointment of Clayton S. Fong as Deputy Director of the Office of Consumer Affairs
Appointment of Gary J. Andres as Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Appointment of Arnold I. Havens as Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Appointment of Gary R. Blumenthal as Deputy Assistant to the President for Cabinet Liaison
Appointment of the 1991 - 1992 White House Fellows
Remarks Announcing the Reappointment of General Colin L. Powell as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a News Conference
Special Assignment of Reggie B. Walton to the White House Media Affairs Office