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Appointment of Constance Horner as a Member of the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States
George Bush
Appointment of Carroll E. Multz as Commissioner on the Upper Colorado River Commission
Appointment of Mark A. Guzzetta as Federal Representative to the Sabine River Compact Administration
Appointment of James L. Pavitt as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Appointment of Douglas Alan Brook as Acting Director of the Office of Personnel Management
Appointment of Edward J. Melanson, Jr., for the Personal Rank of Ambassador While Serving as Chief Negotiator for Defense and Space
Appointment of Mrs. Potter Stewart as United States Representative on the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund
Appointment of Vernon B. Parker as Special Assistant to the President and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel
Appointment of Shirley M. Green as Deputy Assistant to the President for Presidential Messages and Correspondence
Appointment of Shiree Sanchez as Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison