Results 3901 - 3925 of 4048 records found
Date | Related | Document Title |
Feb 07, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Special Message to the Senate on Transmitting the Treaty on Outer Space chances for peace. II In the diplomacy of space, as in the technology … |
May 06, 1965 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Need for a Unified and Flexible Foreign Affairs Personnel System pressing needs of modern diplomacy . Today I have signed an Executive … |
Jan 24, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Urging Extension of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency nor by a single stroke of diplomacy . It will follow months and … |
Jul 16, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
Message to the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee on Its Reconvening in Geneva. achievement of Latin American diplomacy . 1 1 The intention of the … |
Apr 23, 1964 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference Presidents in the field of diplomacy in the Western Hemisphere … |
Aug 25, 1965 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference of more than 20 years in diplomacy --Mr. Charles Yost. --As Representative … |
Feb 02, 1967 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference a good deal lately about diplomacy aimed at a Vietnam settlement … |
Jan 19, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference defense, and in the field of diplomacy . As Chairman of that Board … |
Mar 31, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference deescalation that you have taken, by diplomacy ? THE PRESIDENT. I am not … |
Oct 24, 1968 | Lyndon B. Johnson |
The President's News Conference we realize that many times diplomacy can be more effective in … policy to try to handle all diplomacy in public. The negotiators … |
Jul 19, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Statement by the President Concerning the U.S. Reply to the Soviet Government's Aide Memoire on Germany and Berlin. somewhat more formal language of diplomacy . The Soviet aide memoire … |
Sep 13, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Statement by the President Following the Visit of President Sukarno and President Keita. willing. The channels of diplomacy are open for the exploration … |
Jul 23, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Statement by the President on the Signing of Agreements To End the Conflict in Laos fact be solved by patient diplomacy . The agreements represent … |
Nov 01, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Statement Commending Judge Philip C. Jessup, Member of the International Court of Justice. international law and international diplomacy . His reputation and influence … decade ago is a model for diplomacy now. Judge Jessup has come … |
Jul 25, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Berlin Crisis. that the fortunes of war and diplomacy left the free people of West … |
Mar 02, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Radio and Television Address to the American People: "Nuclear Testing and Disarmament." future course of arms control diplomacy , and to our obligations to … |
Mar 01, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Establishing the Peace Corps. designed as an instrument of diplomacy or propaganda or ideological … |
May 22, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks to the National Advisory Council for the Peace Corps. fresh personal meaning to our diplomacy . There can be no better evidence … |
Nov 26, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks at Fort Stewart, Georgia, to Members of the First Armored Division. Regardless of how persistent our diplomacy may be in activities stretching … |
Sep 26, 1963 | John F. Kennedy |
Address in Salt Lake City at the Mormon Tabernacle. conducting a complex and baffling diplomacy , all weigh heavily upon us … happening. And that is why our diplomacy is important. For the forces … |
Aug 07, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks Upon Presenting the President's Awards for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service there is no useful place for diplomacy or negotiation are wrong … |
Jan 11, 1962 | John F. Kennedy | Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union. |
Jun 07, 1961 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks at Annapolis to the Graduating Class of the United States Naval Academy. economics and politics and diplomacy and history. You must know … |
Jun 06, 1962 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks at West Point to the Graduating Class of the U.S. Military Academy. role as a complement to our diplomacy, as an arm of our diplomacy , as a deterrent to our adversaries … |
Apr 29, 1963 | John F. Kennedy |
Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to Adm. Robert L. Dennison quot;Through his exemplary tact and diplomacy in dealing with representatives … |