Dwight D. Eisenhower photo

Message for the Governors' Conference at Lake George and Request for Recommendations as to a Federal-State Highway Program

July 12, 1954

[Text read by the Vice President]

I AM CERTAIN that in meeting with the assembled Governors, you will derive the same inspiration and the same increased confidence in the superiority of our form of government that I never fail to get in like circumstances.

When the Prime Minister of Great Britain recently visited me, he asserted that our federated form of government gave to our country the great advantage of providing 48 training grounds for public service on the national level, while in the case of the most broadly experienced public servant of our time, the distinguished Governor of South Carolina, this process has been successfully reversed.

I am sure that the Prime Minister's observation is valid, but I believe that probably the greatest worth of the American political system is the opportunity it provides for keeping government closer to the people and for performing in our several State and territorial capitals government activities that would otherwise fall to Federal authority.

Because of the size of our country, the climatic differences of its different sections, the economic interdependence of the States, any such centralization would inevitably lead toward greater and greater regimentation of our people. These facts also highlight the great need for cooperation between these two important echelons of government in the United States. Consequently, from the Federal viewpoint, the greatest value of the Governors' Conferences, to which are invariably invited members of the national administration, is in the opportunity presented for discussion among us of problems affecting national and State governments, and every individual.

The recent visit to Korea by three members of the Governors' Conference is merely another example of our great recognition that scarcely any public activity is of exclusive interest to any echelon of government. I would be most appreciative if you would extend to all the Governors present my very best wishes for a successful meeting, and for the happiness and the welfare of each.


[Before reading the President's message Vice President Nixon spoke from notes prepared by the President and covering matters of common interest to the States and the Federal Government. The Vice President quoted directly the following request relating to the requirements of an adequate Federal-State highway program:]

I hope that you will study the matter, and recommend to me the cooperative action you think the Federal Government and the 48 States should take to meet these requirements, so that I can submit positive proposals to the next session of the Congress.

Note: The President was scheduled to address the Governors' Conference, but was unable to be present because of the death of a member of his family. The President's notes, as paraphrased by Vice President Nixon, were released by the White House.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Message for the Governors' Conference at Lake George and Request for Recommendations as to a Federal-State Highway Program Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232299

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