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Bachmann Campaign Press Release - ICYMI Bachmann in Second Place in New ARG Poll

September 29, 2011

Remains Favorite with Iowa Tea Party Voters

Charlotte, NC — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann remains the favorite among likely Tea Party voters in Iowa. A new American Research Group Poll shows Bachmann the clear leader in the Republican field among Tea Party supporters, who make up more than half of the poll's total respondents. Bachmann's call to Iowans to not settle for a candidate who is less than a clear constitutional conservative is resonating across the Hawkeye State. Her outreach continues to cut across typical political lines, with the poll showing Bachmann garnering far more support than either Mitt Romney or Rick Perry among independent voters.

Reacting to the new numbers, Bachmann said, "Iowans are not looking to the media to pick the favorites for the all-important Iowa Caucuses. Voters in the Hawkeye State are watching the debates, listening to the candidates as they visit Iowa, and carefully weighing this critical race. And I'm confident that they won't settle for a candidate who isn't fully committed to repealing Obamacare or standing up to fight illegal immigration. Iowans want a candidate who has been leading the fight in Washington against big spending, over-regulation and crony capitalism."

To view the full results from the poll, click here.

Michele Bachmann, Bachmann Campaign Press Release - ICYMI Bachmann in Second Place in New ARG Poll Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/298961

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