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Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On "The Sean Hannity Show"

November 19, 2007

Governor Mitt Romney

"The Sean Hannity Show"

November 19, 2007

Governor Romney On Tuition Benefits For Illegal Immigrants:

Sean Hannity: "You have gone after both Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani just last week on the issue of tuition for illegal immigrants. Is that one of the biggest differences you're seeing in the campaign?"

Governor Romney: "Well, there's no question but that we do have a pretty big gap between us on the issue of illegal immigration. Mayor Giuliani supported a sanctuary city, his own in New York. I said I'd cut back funding to any city that calls itself a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. And likewise, giving a tuition break to the children of illegals that are here illegally when citizens are having to pay a higher rate, that makes no sense to me at all and that's something Mike Huckabee supported when he was governor of Arkansas. I vetoed a measure like that in my state and that veto was upheld. We have some differences between us, probably the biggest difference is that I spent my life outside of politics, and they've spent their lives inside politics."

To listen to Governor Romney discuss sanctuary tuition policies, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbJprXJbL6M

Governor Romney On Sen. Clinton And The Issues:

Sean Hannity: "But the bottom line here is, and I want to run through these issues quick. You want victory in Iraq before we pull our troops out. Hillary wants to pull them out now, right?"

Governor Romney: "Absolutely. Defeat in Iraq is not an option."

Hannity: "You want to, for example, control the borders and close them now, she supports this amnesty bill, this quote comprehensive plan."

Governor Romney: "Amnesty is the wrong way to go, and by the way, she's not alone there. You've got Mayor Giuliani, Mike Huckabee and John McCain that are also amnesty-friendly."

Hannity: "You want cut taxes, she wants to raise them."

Governor Romney: "Gotta lower our taxes. The wrong way to build an economy is by taking away money from the citizens."

To listen to Governor Romney discuss Sen. Clinton and the issues, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyLfcmMm7pY

Governor Romney On Running Against Sen. Clinton:

Sean Hannity: "Where do you see her greatest weaknesses?"

Governor Romney: "Her greatest weaknesses? Her current positions. Frankly, her weakness on illegal immigration, her weakness on taxation, raising taxes everyone knows is the wrong way to go, her weakness in terms of not having any experience in the private sector. She's never had a job in a small business enterprise, knowing why jobs come and go. I can't wait to talk about that with her, and then of course her health care plan. Socialized medicine will never be acceptable in this country. You know, I almost can't think of all the list of things. She says she has a million good ideas for America, we just can't afford them. We'll have a million good reasons why we should not elect Hillary Clinton."

To listen to Governor Romney discuss running against Sen. Clinton, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cAIhLBluTw

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On "The Sean Hannity Show" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296801

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