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Obama Campaign Press Release - Former Edwards National General Chairman and 49 Other Edwards Supporters Throw Support to Barack Obama

April 23, 2008

Edwards backers call North Carolina primary clear choice between real change and more of the same

Raleigh, NC -- The Obama campaign today announced the endorsement of 49 prominent supporters of John Edwards - including Ed Turlington, Edwards' former National General Chairman. These North Carolina leaders - ranging from Members of Congress to a former Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court to former law partners and longtime friends of John Edwards - cite Barack Obama's commitment to fighting for change on behalf of working Americans and taking on the special interests in Washington.

"Barack Obama and John Edwards share a commitment to taking on special interests and standing up for regular Americans. Along with Edwards supporters from across the state, I am honored to join Senator Obama's movement for change," said Turlington. "As president, he will bring together Democrats, Republicans and Independents behind an agenda of change. From ending the war in Iraq to confronting the scourge of poverty to making health care affordable for every single American, Barack Obama will bring our country the change we need."

The diverse group said they are voting for Obama because he is the only candidate with a proven ability to unite America around a common vision and win the votes of Republicans and Independents whose support is critical to carrying the state in the fall.

Like Edwards, Obama refused donations from PACs and Washington lobbyists and vowed to stand up to the special interests that have blocked so much progress for working Americans in Washington, DC.

"John Edwards has dedicated his life and career to fighting poverty in America. Barack Obama demonstrated that same commitment when he turned down a high-paying job on Wall Street to work in Chicago communities decimated by steel mill closings," said Louise Coggins, a social worker from Wilmington who has known John and Elizabeth Edwards for 30 years. "Senator Obama is now the only candidate in the race who doesn't take money from PACs and federal lobbyists. We can count on him to stand up to special interests in Washington, DC on behalf of working men and women in America."

Listed below are local leaders who had previously backed John Edwards' campaign for president, but today are throwing their support behind Obama:

David Price, U.S. Congressman (4th Dist)

Mel Watt, U.S. Congressman (12th Dist)

G.K. Butterfield, U.S. Congressman (1st Dist)

Peggy Abrams, Attorney

Doug Abrams, Attorney

Phil Baddour, Attorney & Former NC House Majority Leader

Steven Bernholz, Attorney

Clifford Britt, Attorney

Wade Byrd, Attorney

Stephen D. Coggins, Attorney

Louise Coggins, Social Worker/Therapist

W. Thompson Comerford, Jr., Attorney

Michael Cucchiara, Business leader

Lisbeth Evans, Secretary of NC Department of Cultural Resources

Anthony Foxx, Charlotte City Councilman

Henry Frye, Former Chief Justice of North Carolina Supreme Court

Shirley Frye, Former Educator, Community Leader

Harvey B. Gantt, Former Edwards National Co-Chair, Former Charlotte mayor

Richard Gusler, Attorney

Pricey Harrison, North Carolina State Representative

Marty Hayes, Activist

James Heavner, Business leader

C. Mark Holt, Attorney

Leonard Jernigan, Attorney

Adelaide Key, Philanthropist

Eleanor Kinniard, North Carolina State Senator

Henry McKoy, Business leader

Brownie Newman, Asheville City Council member

Spencer Parris, Attorney

Roger Perry, UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees--Chairman

Jim Phillips Jr., Attorney and Chair, UNC Board of Governors

Wade Smith, Attorney & Former State Democratic Party Chair

Sallie Shuping Russell, Business leader and UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees

Roger Smith, Attorney

Bob Spearman, Attorney & Former Wake County Democratic Party Chair

Pat Spearman, Activist

Adam Stein, Attorney

Nina Szlosberg, Conservationist & Department of Transportation Board Member

Amy Tiemann, Writer

Michael Tiemann, Red Hat Executive

Kevin Trapani, President & CEO, The Redwoods Group

Tim Toben, Business leader

Ed Turlington, Attorney & Former Edwards National Chairman

Marla Turlington, Activist

Howard Twiggs, Attorney & Former State legislator

Steve Warren, Attorney

Willis P. Wichard, Author, Dean, and Former State Supreme Court Justice

Carter Worthy, Realtor

Todd Zapolski, Business leader

Barack Obama, Obama Campaign Press Release - Former Edwards National General Chairman and 49 Other Edwards Supporters Throw Support to Barack Obama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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