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Edwards Statement Calling On Senator Clinton To Stop Enabling George Bush's Path To War With Iran

October 25, 2007

Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Today, Senator John Edwards released the following statement condemning the Bush Administration's approach towards Iran and criticizing Senator Clinton for undermining the American people's opposition to the war:

"Today, George Bush and Dick Cheney again rattled the sabers in their march toward military action against Iran. The Bush Administration has been making plans to attack Iran for many months. At this critical moment, we need strong leadership to stand against George Bush's dangerous 'preventive war' policy, which makes force the first option, not the last.

"I learned a clear lesson from the lead up to the Iraq War in 2002: if you give this president an inch, he will take a mile - and launch a war. Senator Clinton apparently learned a different lesson. Instead of blocking George Bush's new march to war, Senator Clinton and others are enabling him once again.

"I have called for strong, capable diplomacy to deal with the challenge of Iran, and a carrots and sticks strategy aimed at results--not the Bush/Cheney path, which would escalate tensions, enable attacks, and lead to unintended consequences.

"The New Yorker recently reported that one reason the administration has not yet attacked Iran is because public opinion has turned against such a course. Senator Clinton's actions undermine the American people's opposition to war with Iran. Today's advancement of the Bush strategy on Iran shows how much we need strong opposition on this issue. I learned my lesson the hard way in 2002, but it appears that others still have some learning to do."

John Edwards, Edwards Statement Calling On Senator Clinton To Stop Enabling George Bush's Path To War With Iran Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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