Lyndon B. Johnson photo

Statement by the President Announcing U.S. Recognition of the New Dominican Government.

September 04, 1965

THIS PAST WEEK, Dominican leaders, with important assistance from the OAS, agreed on the establishment of a provisional government under the leadership of Dr. Hector Garcia-Godoy. This action marked the end of an impasse which had brought danger and hardship to the Dominican people during 4 long and difficult months.

Last night, the provisional government, officially installed, announced its adherence to the Dominican Republic's international obligations, pledged its allegiance to the high purposes of economic, social, and democratic progress, and requested recognition by the nations of the world. This action marked the beginning of a new road to peace, freedom, and hope for the Dominican people.

Today, after consultation with other OAS States, the U.S. Government is extending recognition to the new provisional government.

On behalf of the people of the United States, I extend best personal wishes to the distinguished new President and to the brave Dominican people.

President Garcia-Godoy's government will face many great and hard tasks over the coming months--as he leads his country to free elections and as he moves to rebuild his country's economy.

In the difficult but promising days ahead, I want President Garcia-Godoy and the Dominican people to know that they have our full support.

We are already discussing on an urgent basis the resumption of certain projects which have been interrupted since the tragic days of last April.

We are ready to participate fully with the OAS, its committee on the Alliance for Progress and international financial institutions in the important rehabilitation effort that lies ahead. We earnestly hope that, on request of the Dominican Government, the OAS will take the lead in this great enterprise.

Meanwhile, preliminary discussions have established an immediate need for approximately $20 million in assistance and we hope that arrangements can soon be concluded with the provisional government to make this amount available. These funds will help to defray some of the immediate needs of economic reconstruction, which include the rehabilitation of private industry, a program of public works, and temporary financing of some of the essential operating expenses of the government and key public enterprise.

While no one knows better than the Dominican people how much work it will take to clear the road to peace, progress, and democracy, they should also know that the whole hemisphere shares their hope for a bright future and will work shoulder to shoulder with them to make this hope a reality.

Note: The statement was released at Austin, Tex. See also Items 472, 473, 482.

Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President Announcing U.S. Recognition of the New Dominican Government. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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