Harry S. Truman photo

Messages to Allied Commanders on the Surrender of German Forces in Italy.

May 02, 1945

To Field Marshal Alexander:

On this momentous occasion of the surrender of the German Armed Forces in Italy, I convey to you from the President and the people of the United States congratulations on the signal success of the Allied Armies, Navies and Air Forces under your command, gained only by persistent heroic effort through many months of a most difficult campaign.

I send also to you personally our appreciation of the high order of your leadership which conducted our Armies to their complete victory.


To General Mark Clark:

On the occasion of the final brilliant victory of the Allied Armies in Italy, in imposing unconditional surrender upon the enemy, I wish to convey to the American forces under your command, and to you personally, the appreciation and gratitude of the President and of the people of the United States. No praise is adequate for the heroic achievements and magnificent courage of every individual under your command during this long and trying campaign.

America is proud of the essential contribution made by your American Armies to the final Allied victory in Italy. Our thanks for your gallant leadership and the deathless valor of your men.


Harry S Truman, Messages to Allied Commanders on the Surrender of German Forces in Italy. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/229740

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