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Rand Paul Campaign Press Release - Washington State Representative Endorses Rand Paul for President

September 28, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Rand Paul for President today announced the endorsement of Washington State Representative Cary Condotta.

State Representative Cary Condotta came to the Washington State House of Representatives 14 years ago when republicans had 31 seats out of 98. He took over the campaign arm in 2005 and has added more seats in a blue state than any other. Now at 47 seats, the Republicans are knocking on the door of a majority position. Cary is a student of economics and has been a champion of small business. He serves on appropriations, finance, and the commerce committees in olympia and lives in the heart of his 12th district in central Washington.

"I believe Sen. Rand Paul is the cure for everything that is ailing this country. He takes his message of individual liberty and limited government to all parts of the country and represents the fountain of youth in a party dying of old age. I am proud to stand with Rand as he runs for President of the United States," State Rep. Cary Condotta said.

"I am honored to have the endorsement of a strong conservative leader like State Rep. Cary Condotta. His principled leadership will play a vital role in my quest to defeat the Washington Machine and unleash the American Dream," Sen. Rand Paul said.

Rand Paul, Rand Paul Campaign Press Release - Washington State Representative Endorses Rand Paul for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/316676

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