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Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio is Fighting the Return of the Obamacare Bailout

December 02, 2015


For too long, under both Democrats and Republicans, Washington and big businesses have teamed up to rig our economy to their benefit, often at the expense of everyday Americans. Perhaps the most outrageous example of this in recent memory is the attempt to force taxpayers to bailout the health insurance companies that have taken a hit under ObamaCare.

As ObamaCare has crashed and burned over the last few years, the big health insurance companies that had originally lobbied in its favor have been suffering major financial losses. Just recently, UnitedHealth—the nation's largest insurer—has announced that it will likely withdraw from the exchanges entirely. Naturally, Washington's solution is to send taxpayers the bill for its own mistakes.

In 2013, when few were talking about this issue, I saw that ObamaCare was on a crash course and predicted that bailouts would be the preferred big government solution once the law failed. I instantly began the fight to stop these bailouts by getting rid of ObamaCare's blank check "risk corridor" provision. Ultimately, against the wishes of the insurance lobby and many politicians in Washington, I passed a measure that blocked the bailout and saved taxpayers $2.5 billion.

Some have called this one of the biggest legislative blows to ObamaCare yet. I'm proud of this important win for taxpayers, but it isn't enough. The insurance companies are already fighting back. They've hired teams of lobbyists — including some of the Washington insiders who originally forced ObamaCare through Congress — and they're pushing hard for a new bailout.

Read the rest of Marco's op-ed at Hot Air.

Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio is Fighting the Return of the Obamacare Bailout Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/325965

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