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Rubio Campaign Press Release - Trump Finally Took a Policy Position Last Night. He Stuck to It for About an Hour.

March 04, 2016

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD - MARCH 6, 2014: Donald Trump speaks at the

At last night's debate, Donald Trump explicitly said he doesn't agree with reforms to high-skilled visas he has outlined in his own immigration plan — repeating a flip-flop from an earlier debate.

Then after the debate, his campaign issued a statement saying Trump does believe what he says in his immigration plan.

It had Marco still shaking his head in disbelief this morning.

Here's how Marco laid it out:

The frontrunner in the Republican primary refuses to answer a single policy question.

Finally, last night he actually took a position and said, alright, I've changed my opinion on temporary guest workers — high-tech workers.

And as soon as the debate ended and his handlers got ahold of him, within seconds he reversed his position back. It's just unreal.

This kind of thing is why Republicans adamantly refuse to unite around Trump, Marco said:

When is the last time you've ever seen a frontrunner who's performed the way he has . . . and we're still being asked will you support him if he's the nominee?

That question would never come up if anyone else was the frontrunner. 65 percent of Republican voters do not want him to be our nominee; he can never unite our party.

It really puts us in a tough position, and that's why I'm asking everyone to unite behind our campaign, we're the only one that can bring us together.

You know where Marco stands — Donald Trump won't even tell you, and if he does, he'll probably change his tune a few minutes later. That's just how a con artist works.

Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Trump Finally Took a Policy Position Last Night. He Stuck to It for About an Hour. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/325824

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