Harry S. Truman photo

Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Wisconsin.

May 14, 1950

[ 1.] ALTOONA, WISCONSIN (Rear platform, 6:45 a.m.)

Ladies and gentlemen:

I got up this morning just to greet you and say good morning--because I stopped here in 1948.

All I can say to you is that I hope you have a pleasant Sunday and that you will go to church.

I don't know of anything else that I can say to you this morning except good morning and I am happy to see all of you.

It is a pleasure to be able to stop here once more, and I appreciate the privilege.

[2.] ELROY, WISCONSIN (Rear platform, 8:50 a.m.)

I just want to say good morning to you this morning. I appreciate very highly your cordial reception.

I am on my way to Madison to dedicate a building and will go to church down there this morning.

I am not making any formal appearances. The only reason we stopped here this morning is because we stopped here once before, and I just wanted to greet you and say good morning.

I hope you will have a most pleasant Mother's Day and that all of you will go to church.

[3.] MADISON, WISCONSIN (Address at the dedication of the Credit Union National Association's Filene House, 2 p.m., see Item 132)

[4.] MADISON, WISCONSIN (Laying the cornerstone at Filene House, 3:22 p.m.)

Mr. Treasurer, these trowels are exactly alike. You take that one and give it to me. This one I present to you, and I hope you will treasure it all your life.

This is a wonderful ceremony. I have laid many a cornerstone, and I know how to do it, and I appreciate the privilege of doing this one.

I was well acquainted with the man to whom this dedication is made today. He has visited me many a time while I was a United States Senator, while I was Vice President, and while I was President of the United States.

He always had some constructive idea to offer that was in the public interest, and never a selfish one.

It is a pleasure for me to be here today.

Note: The President's opening words at Filene House, "Mr. Treasurer," referred to John Eidam, president of the Credit Union National Association. Filene House was named in honor of Edward A. Filene, Boston merchant and philanthropist who had endowed the credit association.

Harry S Truman, Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Wisconsin. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/230589

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