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Statement by Mike Pence on Historical Payment to Mullahs in Iran

August 10, 2023

Mike Pence today issued the following statement on the historical ransom payment made to the Mullahs in Iran in exchange for American hostages:

"While I welcome the release of American hostages, the American people should know that President Biden has authorized the largest ransom payment in American history to the Mullahs in Tehran. Iran will now use this money to produce drones for Russia and fund terrorism against us and Israel. China and Russia, who are also holding Americans hostages, now know the price has just gone up. Any rogue nation that takes innocent Americans hostage during my Administration will be met with American strength; they are forewarned that we will not pay ransoms."

Mike Pence, Statement by Mike Pence on Historical Payment to Mullahs in Iran Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364058

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