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ICYMI: Vice President Kamala Harris Leads U.S. Delegation to COP28 Where She Tells the World That the Biden-Harris Administration Has " Turned Ambition Into Action" With a Historic Climate Investment

December 06, 2023

While in Dubai, the Vice President also said that "continued progress will not be possible without a fight" and announced a $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund.

WASHINGTON – Vice President Kamala Harris continued her consistent leadership on bold climate action over the weekend as she led the U.S. delegation to COP28. While in Dubai, the Vice President delivered America's National Statement, participated in a critical Leaders Session on renewable energy, announced a series of initiatives including a $3 billion pledge to the Green Climate Fund, and made clear that the Biden-Harris Administration is delivering on the most aggressive climate agenda in history – $1 trillion that she helped make possible with her tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate.

"President Biden and I made the largest climate investment in the history of our country and – some have said – the world: roughly a trillion dollars over the next 10 years," said Vice President Harris. "With ambition and bold action, I know we will build a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous world for this generation and for generations to come."

During COP28, Vice President Harris also made clear the historic progress that has been made at home and around the world is not without a fight.

"For as much as we have accomplished, there is still so much more work to do – and continued progress will not be possible without a fight," said the Vice President. "Around the world, there are those who seek to slow or stop our progress: leaders who deny climate science, delay climate action, and spread misinformation; corporations that greenwash climate inaction and lobby for billions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies. In the face of their resistance and in the context of this moment, we must do more."

Read more about the Vice President's leadership at COP28:

Politico: Kamala Harris at climate summit: World must 'fight' those stalling action

NPR: In Dubai, Harris deals with Two Issues Important to Young Voters

CNN: Kamala Harris announces new $3 billion US pledge to global climate action at Dubai summit

Associated Press: Harris heads to Dubai to tackle delicate tasks of talking climate and Israel-Hamas war

CNN: Harris' climate conference visit marks her latest appeal to crucial younger voters

The Hill: Harris pledges $3 billion to help developing countries with climate solutions

Reuters: US pledges $3 billion for Green Climate Fund at COP28

Bloomberg: US Pledges $3 Billion for Climate Aid to Poor Countries at COP28

Associated Press: Biden White House takes aim at oil and natural gas with major new emissions rule: 'The clock is no longer just ticking. It is banging'

Kamala Harris, ICYMI: Vice President Kamala Harris Leads U.S. Delegation to COP28 Where She Tells the World That the Biden-Harris Administration Has " Turned Ambition Into Action" With a Historic Climate Investment Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/368384

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