Bill Clinton photo

Appointment of Acting Director of Central Intelligence

January 06, 1995

The President announced yesterday that Admiral William O. Studeman, the current Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, will serve as the Acting Director of Central Intelligence until a new Director has been confirmed by the Senate. His appointment will become effective on Tuesday, January 10, 1995.

Admiral Studeman, former Director of Naval Intelligence and the National Security Agency, has served as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence since April 1992.

The President said, "Admiral Studeman has served with distinction in a number of critical leadership positions in our intelligence community. He is uniquely qualified to serve as the Acting Director of Central Intelligence. I look forward to working closely with him during this interim period."

William J. Clinton, Appointment of Acting Director of Central Intelligence Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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