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Joe Biden

Statement on Tropical Storm Hilary

August 20, 2023

As soon as Tropical Storm Hilary's path became clear, my administration took immediate action to prepare. At my direction, FEMA deployed to California Federal personnel and supplies that can be surged to impacted communities. The U.S. Coast Guard pre-positioned aircraft to allow for rapid response and search-and-rescue efforts. My administration also deployed Federal personnel to Nevada to ensure the State has additional support, and we will continue to coordinate with California, Nevada, and Arizona on any resources they might need.

This afternoon I spoke to California Governor Gavin Newsom about the emergency preparedness measures in place and the initial response to Tropical Storm Hilary. I continue to be briefed on our preparedness efforts and the storm's potential impact, including flooding. My administration stands ready to provide additional assistance as requested. I urge people to take this storm seriously and listen to State and local officials.

We are also closely monitoring the earthquake that occurred in southern California and any resulting impacts.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement on Tropical Storm Hilary Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/318531

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