Today I am singing S. 2704, the Water Research and Development Act of 1978. This legislation brings together two important concerns of mine: greater support for basic research and a vigorous search for practical ways to solve the increasing problems of water quality and quantity in various parts of the Nation. The national water policy announced earlier this year will be strengthened by the water research program enacted by this bill, which is based on legislation I requested in 1977.
The Office of Water Research and Technology in the Department of the Interior will be the agency responsible for putting this legislation into action. It will provide for new research in saline water conversion, water re-use, water conservation, water problems of urbanizing areas, and other water-efficient technologies. It will support 54 water research institutes throughout the Nation. It will assist in the training of water scientists and engineers, the transfer of water research results to water managers at the local and State levels, and the demonstration of technology to solve critical water problems wherever they exist.
I particularly want to congratulate Congressman Lloyd Meeds and Senator Mike Gavel for the work they have done on this bill. I am pleased to sign S. 2704.
Note: As enacted, S. 2704 is Public Law 95-467, approved October 17.
Jimmy Carter, Water Research and Development Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 2704 Into Law. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project