THE PRESIDENT. I have a question on the legislation affecting the Federal Power Commission. 1 I am very much gratified that this legislation has advanced to the point of being passed by both Houses. There is some little different between the two bills, which will require to be planned out in conference, but it is a most important step, and rendered necessary by the fact that the work and burden of the Power commission has become entirely too great for administration by three Cabinet officers who have many other duties and troubles. The establishment of the Commission on an independent and fixed basis with its own Commissioners not only will allow the back work to be caught up but a better administration of the Water Power Act. And possibly more important, it furnishes the foundation for consideration of the many problems growing out of conservation and dealing generally with the Federal Government's relation to waterpower. I regard it as a very important administrative step.
1 The act to reorganize the Federal Power Commission (S. 3619) was approved on June 23, 1930 (Public, No. 412, 46 Stat. 797)
I have also been glad to sign this morning two other bills of importance--one for the Civil War veterans, 2 signed last night as a matter of fact--giving an increase in allowance there for totally disabled veterans, those that require constant attention and care, and for some little increase in pensions to widows. Both of them I think will commend themselves to the country in general. As far as the Civil War veterans are concerned they theoretically have only 3 years more to last.
2 The Civil War Veterans Act (H.R. 12013), approved June 9, 1930, is Public, No. 323 (46 Stat. 529).
That bill does not vary the previous practice of the Government in any respect in dealing with pension questions.
Another rather important measure this morning is the new marketing act for licensing dealers in perishable commodities, 3 in order to prevent interfering practices in dealing with perishables. It is a very important agricultural bill. I have advocated it for some years. It has been supported by the great majority of the commission men and dealers in agricultural perishables, as well as the agricultural organizations of the country.
3 The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930 (S. 108) is Public, No. 325 (46 Stat.531.)
It is a very important step in protection both to the farmer and to the honest dealer and to the consumer. It has not had a great deal of public attention, but it is a notable accomplishment.
Q. Mr. President, also did you sign the textile bill this morning ?
THE PRESIDENT. Yes, I have signed the bill on the Textile Foundation. 4 That bill originates in the war organization of the Textile Alliance, as I recollect, which operations made profits during the war, which should be set aside for some sort of educational or scientific purpose. I think it is 5 years ago since I first recommended to Congress that that should be established as a definite foundation for that purpose and set up under an independent Board of Trustees with some representation from the Government, purely for research and educational purposes connected with the development of the textile industry. I have not as yet had a return on the amount available, but I think it is $1,400,000. Do you know what it is ?
4 The Textile Foundation Act (H.R. 9557), approved June 10, 1930, is Public, No. 329 (46 Stat. 539).
Q. No, Mr. President, I do not.
THE PRESIDENT. It may form a nucleus for collecting further funds for that purpose, all of which represents a useful step in the development of scientific research in connection with industry.
It is more or less a monument to the fact that if you keep after things long enough you will get them done in time. It has been a long process.
That is all I have this morning except bridge bills, of which we have the usual supply.
Note: President Hoover's one hundred and seventeenth news conference was held in the White House at 12 noon on Tuesday, June 10, 1930.
Herbert Hoover, The President's News Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/210881