Joe Biden

Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Abdelfattah Said Elsisi of Egypt in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

July 16, 2022

President Biden. Well, Mr. President, welcome. It's good to see you.

President Elsisi. Thank you.

President Biden. I'd like to start by thanking you for the incredible assistance you have provided in bringing the Gaza matter to a—to an end. I know there is a lot of work to be done, but you were—you were extremely, extremely helpful.

And I'm looking forward to working with you on a lot of other things. I think, at least from the U.S. perspective, there is a great deal of merit in us working more closely together. You're a valuable, valuable friend.

So I'm looking forward to talking with you about a whole range of issues. But, again, thank you for being here.

President Elsisi. Allow me, Mr. President, to thank you very much for this opportunity and to stress the strategic relationship. And we're standing ready to take it to a whole new level on all fronts.

NOTE: The President spoke at 12:14 p.m. at the Ritz-Carlton Jeddah hotel. President Elsisi spoke in Arabic, and his remarks were translated by an interpreter. A portion of these remarks could not be verified because the audio was incomplete.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Abdelfattah Said Elsisi of Egypt in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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