The President today announced seven persons whom he will nominate to be members of the National Advisory Council on Women's Education Programs. They are:
ELIZA M. CARNEY, of Tempe, Ariz., academic adviser to the College of Nursing at Arizona State University;
GLADYS GUNN, of Dayton, Ohio, director of the Central State University Training Institute and former assistant superintendent of educational services for the Ohio Youth Commission;
ELLEN S. HOFFMAN, of Washington, D.C., director of government affairs for the Children's Defense Fund and former staff director of the Senate Subcommittee on Children and Youth;
KATHLEEN E. HUMPHREY, of Boise, Idaho, a student in the B.S. program in computer science at Duke University;
PAUL PARKS, secretary of education for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;
J. RICHARD ROSSIE, a Memphis, Tenn., attorney active in organizations dealing with the rights and educational opportunities for handicapped children;
BERNICE SANDLER, an executive associate with the Association of American Colleges, where she is director of the Project on the Status and Education of Women.
The purpose of the Council is to advise and make recommendations to the Commissioner of Education and the Assistant Secretary for Education on policy, programs, and the allocation of funds for the improvement of women's education. The Council consists of 20 members, 17 from the private sector and 3 from the Government.
Jimmy Carter, National Advisory Council on Women's Education Programs Nomination of Seven Members. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project