To: New Hampshire Media and Interested Parties
Fr: Kathleen Strand
Re: Clinton NH Campaign Update
Date: May 30, 2007
With Hillary's seventh trip to the Granite State yesterday behind us, the Hillary Clinton for President New Hampshire campaign is looking forward to a fun-filled and exciting weekend at the New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention on Saturday (featuring Hillary supporter and Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley) as well as the first New Hampshire Democratic debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester on Sunday.
The campaign is moving full steam ahead and there are a number of updates we wanted to share with you. Yesterday, Hillary made stops in Manchester at the Manchester School of Technology and in Nashua for a downtown walk that included a stop at Martha's Exchange restaurant. She also stopped by WMUR studios to participate in the in-studio town hall style "Conversation with a Candidate" that is set to air in early June.
In May, Hillary spoke to firefighters from across the country in Portsmouth and highlighted her plan to provide health insurance to every child in America with mothers and healthcare professionals at Exeter Hospital; we had a tremendously successful grassroots Day of Action on May 12th with supporters and volunteers reaching out to thousands of New Hampshire households; National Campaign Co-Chair and former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and First Lady Christie Vilsack criss-crossed the state campaigning on May 23rd and 24th in Plymouth, Manchester, Epping, Portsmouth and Dover; and State Senator Deb Reynolds announced her endorsement of Senator Clinton at Thomas Roberts Salon and Barber Shop in Plymouth on May 23rd.
In our last campaign update, we presented to you a "New Hampshire by the Numbers," memo, but today we felt that - while numbers are certainly important - words are too. With that in mind, the following is a New Hampshire for Hillary update featuring the words of New Hampshire voters, Hillary supporters and local media from recent events on the New Hampshire trail. (Oh yeah, and we included a few important numbers too!)
Hope to see you this weekend!
Kathleen Strand
NH Communications Director
Hillary for President
In Their Own Words: What Granite Staters Say About Hillary Clinton
'She looked me in the eye and answered my question, directly and with some humor, and it seemed very genuine to me, I feel more predisposed to her than I did before."
-Marilyn Learner, Nashua, New York Times, May 30, 2007
"She's re-oriented my thinking."
-Margaret Ives, Derry, Union Leader, May 30, 2007
"I'm really excited about her candidacy. If you ask me, she's the better half. The real question is whether we are broad-minded enough to choose the right candidate. I'm hopeful that we will be.''
-Marlene Hume, Nashua, Union Leader, May 30, 2007
"I think she's right on about taking care of the middle class and trying to get them the help they need."
-Claire Helfman , Hollis Democratic Party Chair, Union Leader, May 30, 2007
"I collect presidents on signed baseballs. I think Hillary's going to be the next President so I've got to get her early."
-Mike Constantina, Somerset, MA, Nashua Telegraph web video, May 30, 2007
"This is very exciting. I just want to see her!"
-Nashua resident, Nashua Telegraph web video, May 29, 2007
"I think that Hillary Clinton, as a candidate, is doing a good job at introducing the new Hillary Clinton: getting her message out there."
-Jennifer Donahue, Senior Advisor for Political Affairs, St. Anselm College, WMUR News, May 29, 2007
"One of things that impressed me about Senator Clinton was the concern that she had for rural and small town America. During her course of her work in upstate New York as a Senator, she spent a lot of time trying to create economic opportunity and jobs for folks in some of these depressed areas and smaller communities."
-Fmr. Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, WKXL Radio interview, Concord, NH, May 24, 2007
"Reynolds said Clinton is the 'best positioned' candidate to help extricate the United States from Iraq; has dealt with rural issues important to the North Country in her own work on behalf of upstate New York; and has been a leading voice on behalf of children and families, as well as national health care."
-State Senator Deb Reynolds, Valley News interview, May 23, 2007
"She has good plans for the future."
-Stephanie Polidoro, The Gilford Steamer, May 17, 2007
"'I just thought she was very sparkling. She has a confidence that comes with a lot of experience.' Universal health care, Cote said, is essential. 'I've known too many people who fall through the cracks.' "
-Pam Cote, Concord Monitor, May 12, 2007
Sullivan said "health care is high on his list of priorities this year. He currently pays $15,000 a year for coverage. He was pleased with what Clinton had to say. 'I thought it was very good, because it wasn't very political, it was more useful,' Sullivan said. 'She didn't ask for any votes, she just had a program and (we) liked that.'"
-John Sullivan (attended firefighters meeting in Portsmouth), Union Leader, May 12, 2007
What The Media in NH Are Saying About Hillary Clinton
"Last week in New Hampshire, Senator Hillary Clinton met with families who told heartbreaking stories of sleepless nights worrying about their children's illnesses, and the added cruelty of worrying about battles with insurance bureaucracies. All so illogical when the benefits of investing in ongoing medical attention are obvious, especially for children. 'Insuring kids is cheap,' Clinton said in an interview in Portsmouth. 'It's penny-wise and pound-wise.'"
-Hillary's Healthy Focus, Boston Globe editorial, May 13, 2007
"Highlights include more corporate responsibility, quality healthcare and affordable college tuition...this is the first time a candidate has packed them together as a policy initiative. Her goal was to ensure that working families share in America's prosperity."
-WMUR News reporter Kevin Flynn on Hillary's economic prosperity speech, Manchester, NH, May 29, 2007
"Today she was confident, comfortable, and clearly engaged on the campaign trail in New Hampshire."
-WBZ reporter Karen Anderson on Hillary campaigning in NH, May 29, 2007
"Life for Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail, at the moment, is good. She leads all Democrats in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire and has a solid campaign war chest to draw from."
-NECN reporter Greg Navarro on Hillary campaigning in NH, May 29, 2007
NH for Hillary Campaign by the Numbers Update
40 NH State Legislative Supporters: With last week's endorsement from State Senator Deb Reynolds in Plymouth, NH, Senator Clinton's New Hampshire campaign now has 40 state legislators supporting her. The New Hampshire Senate President Sylvia Larsen and State Senator Betsi DeVries are the other two State Senators supporting Hillary.
25,000 Copies: Last week, Applaud Magazine, a leading women's magazine in New Hampshire, named Hillary Clinton as an Inspirational Woman for 2007 in the Summer issue. Over 25,000 copies of the magazine will be distributed throughout New Hampshire, including at Hannaford grocery stores in Concord, Hooksett, Bedford, Nashua and Portsmouth.
350 Answers to Granite Staters' Questions: New Hampshire voters take the job of helping elect the next President of the United States seriously. They ask candidates difficult questions in an effort to challenge all of them on the issues facing our country today. Senator Clinton has embraced this process, holding 12 open town hall format events in communities across the state and answering approximately 350 questions so far.
118 Delegates: Heading into the Democratic State Party Convention on Saturday, 118 New Hampshire Convention Delegates are supporting Hillary Clinton for President.
50 College Interns Joining Campaign: The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign is proud to announce that over 50 college interns will be joining the campaign in the coming months. The students are coming from campuses across the state and country.
15 Retail Stops: No one understands more than Senator Clinton that campaigning in New Hampshire requires hard work, personal attention and traditional grass roots efforts. That's why since kicking off her Presidential campaign, Senator Clinton has been a guest at house parties in 7 New Hampshire homes and has visited with voters in 8 locally owned businesses including The Soda Shoppe in Laconia; Brewbaker's coffee shop in Keene, Capitol Convenience in Concord, Pappy's Pizza in Manchester, Tea Bird's Café in Berlin, Swan Chocolate in Nashua, Scontsas Boutique in Nashua and Martha's Exchange in Nashua.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Campaign Memo: Clinton NH Campaign Update Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project