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Proclamation 178—Thanksgiving Day, 1868
Andrew Johnson
Proclamation 176—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of Georgia
Proclamation 172—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of Louisiana
Proclamation 173—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of South Carolina
Proclamation 171—Announcing Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina
Proclamation 170—Granting Pardon to All Persons Participating in the Late Rebellion Except Those Under Indictment for Treason or Other Felony
Proclamation 169—Thanksgiving Day, 1867
Proclamation 168—Correction to Proclamation of August 28, 1866
Proclamation 167—Offering and Extending Full Pardon to All Persons Participating in the Late Rebellion
Proclamation 166—Warning Against Obstruction of Justice in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina