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Proclamation 4725—Honoring the Memory of Walt Disney
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4724—Iwo Jima Commemoration Day
Proclamation 4723—Small Business Week, 1980
Proclamation 4722—World Trade Week, 1980
Proclamation 4721—National Inventors' Day, 1980
Proclamation 4720—Modification of Tariffs on Certain Sugars, Sirups, and Molasses
Proclamation 4719—National Poison Prevention Week, 1980
Proclamation 4718—Save Your Vision Week, 1980
Proclamation 4717—Red Cross Month, 1980
Proclamation 4716—American Heart Month, 1980
Proclamation 4715—William O. Douglas
Proclamation 4714—Temporary Duty Increase on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Anhydrous Ammonia From the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Proclamation 4713—Temporary Duty Increase on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Nonelectric Cooking Ware of Steel
Proclamation 4712—George Meany
Proclamation 4711—Staged Reduction of Rates of Duty on Certain Products to Carry Out Trade Agreements With Indonesia, Trinidad and Tobago, and With the Countries Forming the Cartegena Agreement
Proclamation 4710—Earth Day, 1980
Proclamation 4709—National Unity Day, 1979
Proclamation 4707—Carrying Out the Geneva (1979) Protocol to the General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 4708—Import Limitations on Certain Cheese and Chocolate Crumb
Proclamation 4706—Scouting Recognition Week, 1979
Proclamation 4705—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day and Week, 1979
Proclamation 4704—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 1979
Proclamation 4703—National Family Week, 1979
Proclamation 4702—Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products From Iran
Proclamation 4701—Census 1980
Proclamation 4698—Will Rogers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4700—Aid for Kampucheans
Proclamation 4699—Wright Brothers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4697—Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China
Proclamation 4696—National Farm-City Week, 1979
Proclamation 4695—National Port Week, 1979
Proclamation 4694—Staged Reduction of Rates of Duty on Certain Products to Carry Out a Trade Agreement With Argentina
Proclamation 4693—Thanksgiving Day, 1979
Proclamation 4692—American Education Week, 1979
Proclamation 4691—National School Lunch Week, 1979
Proclamation 4689—National Meals on Wheels Week, 1979
Proclamation 4690—National Day of Prayer, 1979
Proclamation 4688—Veterans Day, 1979
Proclamation 4687—National Forest Products Week, 1979
Proclamation 4686—National Diabetes Week, 1979