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Proclamation 7553—To Restore Nondiscriminatory Trade Treatment (Normal Trade Relations Treatment) to the Products of Afghanistan
George W. Bush
Proclamation 7555—Small Business Week, 2002
Proclamation 7552—National Charter Schools Week, 2002
Proclamation 7550—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 2002
Proclamation 7551—Older Americans Month, 2002
Proclamation 7548—Law Day, U.S.A., 2002
Proclamation 7549—Loyalty Day, 2002
Proclamation 7547—National Day of Prayer, 2002
Proclamation 7546—National Park Week, 2002
Proclamation 7545—National Volunteer Week, 2002
Proclamation 7544—National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 2002
Proclamation 7543—National Crime Victims' Rights Week, 2002
Proclamation 7542—Death of Byron R. White
Proclamation 7540—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2002
Proclamation 7541—Jewish Heritage Week, 2002
Proclamation 7539—National D.A.R.E. Day, 2002
Proclamation 7538—National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2002
Proclamation 7536—Cancer Control Month, 2002
Proclamation 7537—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2002
Proclamation 7535—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 2002