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Executive Order 8105—Exemption of Herbert E. Lucas From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8106—Exemption of Frank B. Bourn From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8108—Revocation of Executive Order No. 6644 of March 14, 1934, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 8103—Amendment of Executive Order No. 7302 of February 21, 1936, Transferring Certain Lands to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 8104—Establishing the Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 8102—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use as a Military Reservation
Executive Order 8100—Enlarging the Homochitto National Forest
Executive Order 8099—Administration of Benefits Provided by Act of Congress Approved April 3, 1939
Executive Order 8101—Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department as a Target Range for the Wyoming National Guard
Executive Order 8097—Exemption of Charles J. Carlton From Compulsory Retirement for Age