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Executive Order 9187—Transferring Certain Personnel From the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War and Navy Departments
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9188—Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 9186—Authorizing the Federal Works Administration To Acquire and Dispose of Property
Executive Order 9185—Establishing the Susquehanna National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 9184—Amending Executive Order No. 9139 of April 18, 1942, To Provide for the Appointment of Additional Members to the War Manpower Commission
Executive Order 9183—Changing the Name of the Defense Communications Board To Board of War Communications
Executive Order 9182—Consolidating Certain War Information Functions Into an Office of War Information
Executive Order 9181—Administration of the Federal Government Services in Alaska
Executive Order 9180—Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Enter Into Contracts for the Disposal of Yucca Growing on the Public Domain
Executive Order 9179—Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Roads, Federal Works Agency, To Acquire and Dispose of Property
Executive Order 9177—Defining Additional Functions, Duties and Powers of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Executive Order 9178—Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Acquire and Dispose of Property Deemed Necessary in Connection With the Helium Development and Production Program of the Department of the Interior
Executive Order 9176—Transferring the Administration of the Act of June 8, 1938, as Amended, Requiring the Registration of Agents of Foreign Principals, From the Secretary of State to the Attorney General
Executive Order 9174—Exemption of Harry P. Hoby from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9175—Amendment of Section 23 of the Regulations Governing Highways, Vehicles, and Vehicular Traffic in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 9173—Transferring the Control and Jurisdiction Over Certain Property Located at Juneau, Alaska, From the Department of the Interior to the Navy Department
Executive Order 9172—Establishing a Panel for the Creation of Emergency Boards for the Adjustment of Railway Labor Disputes
Executive Order 9171—Enlarging the Naval Radio Station, Summit, Canal Zone
Executive Order 9170—Making Certain Navigation Laws of the United States Applicable to the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 9169—Possession Relinquished of Plants of Brewster Aeronautical Corporation
Executive Order 9168—Establishing Matagorda Bay Defensive Sea Area
Executive Order 9167—Establishing the Halfbreed Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 9166—Establishing the Lamesteer National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 9165—Providing for the Protection of Essential Facilities From Sabotage and Other Destructive Acts
Executive Order 9164—Amending Section 1 of Executive Order No. 8986 of December 19, 1941, Authorizing the Governor of the Panama Canal To Increase the Compensation of Certain Employees
Executive Order 9163—Establishing a Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Providing for Its Organization Into Units
Executive Order 9161—Revoking Executive Order No. 8975 of December 13, 1941
Executive Order 9162—Designating the Ports of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, and Jobos, Puerto Rico, as Customs Ports of Entry in Customs Collection District No. 49 (Puerto Rico)
Executive Order 9160—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8910 of September 27, 1941, Transferring Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 9159—Amendment of Executive Order No. 7126, on Submission of Certain Estimates to the Bureau of the Budget
Executive Order 9158—Air Medal
Executive Order 9157—Regulations With Respect to the Making Available of Records, Schedules, Reports, Returns and Other Information by the Secretary of Commerce, and With Respect to the Use Thereof After the Same Have Been Made Available
Executive Order 9156—Further Defining the Functions and Duties of the Office of Defense Transportation
Executive Order 9154—Authorizing Certain Exclusions From the Operation of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as Amended
Executive Order 9155—Approving Regulations of the Civil Service Commission Relating to Efficiency-Rating Boards of Review
Executive Order 9153-A—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes
Executive Order 9153—Amending Executive Order No. 8950 of November 26, 1941, Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over a Portion of the District of Columbia
Executive Order 9152—Directions and Regulations Concerning Census Reports
Executive Order 9151—Transfer of Certain Public Land From Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, to the War Department
Executive Order 9150—Authorizing the Federal Public Housing Commissioner, National Housing Agency, To Acquire and Dispose of Property
Executive Order 9149—Amendment of Executive Order 5643 of June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regulations Governing Representation and Post Allowances
Executive Order 9148—Transferring Credit Union Functions, Records, Property, and Personnel From the Farm Credit Administration to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Executive Order 9147—Revocation of Executive Order No. 2987 of November 4, 1918, Placing Certain Land and Water Areas Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of Navy for Use as a Naval Air Station
Executive Order 9144—Exemption of Herbert H. Evans From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9146—Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to Withdraw and Reserve Public Lands
Executive Order 9145—Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the Alaska Road Commission in Connection With the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Palmer-Richardson Highway
Executive Order 9143—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Holding, Reconsignment, and Quartermaster Depots
Executive Order 9142—Transferring Certain Functions, Property, and Personnel From the Department of Justice to the Alien Property Custodian
Executive Order 9140—Establishing the Safford National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 9139—Establishing the War Manpower Commission in the Executive Office of the President and Transferring and Coordinating Certain Functions to Facilitate the Mobilization and Utilization of Manpower
Executive Order 9141—Possession and Operation of Plants of Brewster Aeronautical Corporation
Executive Order 9138—Providing Further for the Administration of the Requisitioning of Property Required for the Prosecution of the War
Executive Order 9135—Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee for the Voluntary Pay Roll Savings Plan for the Purchase of War Savings Bonds
Executive Order 9136—Modifying Executive Orders No. 1919½ of April 21, 1914, No. 2728 of October 8, 1917, and No. 3672 of May 8, 1922, and Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the War Department
Executive Order 9137—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Flood Control Purposes
Executive Order 9134—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8757 of May 20, 1941 Establishing the Office of Civilian Defense
Executive Order 9133—Transferring Certain Motor Repair Shops With Their Personnel and Property and the Functions of Operations and Maintenance Thereof From the Civilian Conservation Corps to the War Department
Executive Order 9131—Exemption of Leo A. McIntire From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9129—Authorizing the United States Maritime Commission to Acquire and Dispose of Property
Executive Order 9128—Defining Additional Functions and Duties of the Board of Economic Warfare