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Executive Order 12987—Amendment to Executive Order 12964
William J. Clinton
Executive Order 12986—International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Executive Order 12985—Establishing the Armed Forces Service Medal
Executive Order 12984—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12983—Amendment to Executive Order 12871
Executive Order 12982—Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
Executive Order 12981—Administration of Export Controls
Executive Order 12980—Further Amendment to Executive Order 12852, as Amended
Executive Order 12979—Agency Procurement Protests
Executive Order 12978—Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers
Executive Order 12977—Interagency Security Committee
Executive Order 12976—Compensation Practices of Government Corporations
Executive Order 12975—Protection of Human Research Subjects and Creation of National Bioethics Advisory Commission
Executive Order 12974—Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
Executive Order 12973—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12901
Executive Order 12972—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12958
Executive Order 12971—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12425
Executive Order 12970—Further Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864
Executive Order 12969—Federal Acquisition and Community Right-To-Know
Executive Order 12968—Access to Classified Information
Executive Order 12967—Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between Metro North Commuter Railroad and Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations
Executive Order 12966—Foreign Disaster Assistance
Executive Order 12965—Further Amendment to Executive Order No. 12852
Executive Order 12964—Commission on United States-Pacific Trade and Investment Policy
Executive Order 12963—Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
Executive Order 12962—Recreational Fisheries
Executive Order 12961—Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
Executive Order 12960—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
Executive Order 12959—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Iran
Executive Order 12958—Classified National Security Information
Executive Order 12957—Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to the Development of Iranian Petroleum Resources
Executive Order 12956—Israel-United States Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation
Executive Order 12955—Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
Executive Order 12954—Ensuring the Economical and Efficient Administration and Completion of Federal Government Contracts
Executive Order 12953—Actions Required of All Executive Agencies To Facilitate Payment of Child Support
Executive Order 12952—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12950
Executive Order 12951—Release of Imagery Acquired by Space-Based National Intelligence Reconnaissance Systems
Executive Order 12950—Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between Metro North Commuter Railroad and Its Employees by Certain Labor Organizations
Executive Order 12949—Foreign Intelligence Physical Searches
Executive Order 12948—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12898
Executive Order 12947—Prohibiting Transactions With Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process
Executive Order 12945—Amendment to Executive Order No. 12640
Executive Order 12946—President's Advisory Board on Arms Proliferation Policy
Executive Order 12944—Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12943—Further Amendment to Executive Order No. 11755
Executive Order 12942—Addition to Level V of the Executive Schedule—Commissioner, Administration for Native Americans
Executive Order 12941—Seismic Safety of Existing Federally Owned or Leased Buildings
Executive Order 12940—Amendment to Civil Service Rule VI
Executive Order 12939—Expedited Naturalization of Aliens and Noncitizen Nationals Who Served in an Active-Duty Status During the Persian Gulf Conflict
Executive Order 12938—Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Executive Order 12936—Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984
Executive Order 12937—Declassification of Selected Records Within the National Archives of the United States
Executive Order 12935—Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it Relates to the Definition of "Field Duty"
Executive Order 12934—Blocking Property and Additional Measures With Respect to the Bosnian Serb-Controlled Areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Executive Order 12933—Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Certain Contracts
Executive Order 12932—Termination of Emergency With Respect to Haiti
Executive Order 12931—Federal Procurement Reform
Executive Order 12930—Measures To Restrict the Participation by United States Persons in Weapons Proliferation Activities
Executive Order 12929—Delegation of Authority Regarding the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves
Executive Order 12928—Promoting Procurement With Small Businesses Owned and Controlled by Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority Institutions