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Executive Order 9357—Transferring the Functions of the Public Works Administration to the Federal Works Administrator
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9356—Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve
Executive Order 9355—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9226 of August 19, 1942, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Men of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve
Executive Order 9354—Designating the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission as Member of the Economic Stabilization Board
Executive Order 9353—Disposal of Electric Energy Generated at the Norfork Project