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Executive Order 12290—Federal Exports and Excessive Regulation
Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 12291—Federal Regulation
Executive Order 12289—Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
Executive Order 12288—Termination of the Wage and Price Regulatory Program
Executive Order 12287—Decontrol of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products
Executive Order 12277—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Jimmy Carter
Executive Order 12278—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12283—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12286—Responses to Environmental Damage
Executive Order 12276—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12282—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12285—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12281—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12284—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12280—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12279—United States-Iran Agreement on Release of the American Hostages
Executive Order 12275—Design Liaison Council
Executive Order 12274—Military Pay and Allowances
Executive Order 12273—Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
Executive Order 12272—Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System