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Executive Order 5940—Exemption of William Bertrand Acker from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5941—Public Water Restoration No. 74, New Mexico
Executive Order 5939—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Executive Order 5938—Enlarging the Harney National Forest, South Dakota
Executive Order 5936—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, California
Executive Order 5937—Power-Site Restoration No. 476, Idaho
Executive Order 5935—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 5934—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Colorado
Executive Order 5932—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Executive Order 5933—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 5931—Rights of Way, Round Top Military Reservation, Hawaii
Executive Order 5930—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision VII, of the Civil-Service Rules
Executive Order 5929—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, Wisconsin
Executive Order 5928—LaPine Administrative Site, Oregon
Executive Order 5927—Power-Site Restoration No. 475, California
Executive Order 5926—Power-Site Restoration No. 474, Idaho
Executive Order 5925—Transfer of Lands from the Boise and Challis National Forests to the Sawtooth National Forest, and from the Sawtooth National Forest to the Boise National Forest, Idaho
Executive Order 5924—Authorizing Priority to Employees Dropped or Furloughed in Reduction of Force
Executive Order 5923—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Oregon
Executive Order 5922—Amendment of Schedule B of the Civil-Service Rules